The figures presented in this Strategic Report are taken from the audited Annual Report and Accounts for the year to 31st January 2023. The auditor’s report on the annual accounts and the auditor’s statement were unqualified.
Signed on behalf of the Board, as approved on 16th June 2023:
Chair of the Board
The total income for 2022-23 was £977k, including Gifts in Kind. This result for the 12 months to 31st January 2023 is a surplus of £35k on unrestricted funds. We had originally budgeted for a £5k deficit in order to pay for a 5% uplift in staff salaries from February 2022, with the aim of reducing the expected deficit as the year progressed. Ending the year with a £35k surplus is therefore an excellent position, particularly as this was mainly down to additional income rather than significant underspends. Restricted reserves, representing a number of grants across projects being delivered into 2023-24, are at £67.8k.